1 min read

will you help Seth?

will you help Seth?
hug a thug - art created by Seth Hunter & some clever AI for buddi bench™

Good morning buddies!

I'm hoping I can persuade you to spend a few moments of your time today to help me?

Stop! Please don't delete this message yet!

I know how busy we all are & how tempting it is to ignore requests to help others in their projects - I'm often guilty of this response too.

But hear me out.

My ask requires less than a few minutes of your time today & costs you nothing.

I'm paying for all buddi bench™ costs from my personal savings & happily give all my creative output to you for free.

The only thing I ask of you is that you forward this email to at least 10 of your contacts, ideally more. Ping this message to Facebook, Twitter & Instagram too to spread the love.

Your efforts will help me promote buddi bench™ exponentially & you can enjoy the warm glow knowing that you are helping me realise my dream of promoting creative responses to human distress.

You will be helping me to bring a buddi bench™ to your local neighbourhood too. My hope is to have a buddi bench™  in every park that wants one, across the entirety of the UK & eventually the globe. You will be doing good & will feel good with little effort & 100% free!

Clink on the link below to see the details of this refer-a-friend initiative.


As a thank you for spreading the word via the link above, both you & the new members of our community will earn credits that can be used to purchase some really cool & classy limited edition merchandise lovingly designed by moi.

If your still reading this, congratulations - you definitely have more patience than me!

Thanks buddies. x