1 min read

want to feel better in minutes!?

want to feel better in minutes!?
tech-tastic joy! Created by Seth Hunter & some very clever AI for buddi bench™

so you do want to feel better in minutes!?


here's how:

simply help offline me make online me - aka Virtually Seth - as valuable a resource to humanity as possible

do this & you'll feel better in less than 30 minutes

experience has taught me that the best way to feel better about myself is to think less of myself

helping & focusing on the needs of others, rather than the demands of my ego, is a great way to quickly boost my mood

all you need to do is right now try-out Virtually Seth & simply email me your thoughts

the questions you ask don't necessarily need to relate to your circumstances if you'd prefer & the more difficult & random questions you ask the better

you're effectively road-testing the beta version of Virtually Seth - you're gift to me

Topics you might like to explore:

mental health

- anxiety - anger - bipolar - depression - sleep - schizophrenia - trauma - OCD

addiction issues - ANY substance or behaviour including:

- alcohol - food - sex - narcotics - internet - gaming - relationships - smoking

click on the link below to access Virtually Seth


email me:

  • 3 things that you like about this service
  • 3 things that could be improved
  • any other thoughts: the good, the bad, the ugly

send your feedback to me here: seth@buddibench.org

all chats between you & Virtually Seth are 100% confidential

as a thank you the first 3 people to do this will receive a free gift worth £50

but really the gift to you is that you'll feel good by knowing that you're helping me to help others to free 24/7 access to support for their mental health &/or addiction issues

a virtuous cycle where the outcome ensures a win-win-win

thank you buddies