1 min read

this 1 minute animation explains the essence of buddi bench™

this 1 minute animation explains the essence of buddi bench™
this 1 minute animation explains the essence of buddi bench™

we know that your time is valuable

in less than 1 minute this animation will explain the essence of buddi bench™

with your help we hope to place a buddi bench™ in every park in the UK that wants one

once we've achieved this we're going to go global

we like to dream big!

so wherever you live on this spinning rock we call earth your support makes a difference

we happily give all our resources away for free

all we ask is that you spread the word about buddi bench™ via social media & chats with your friends, family & colleagues

if you forward this newsletter to just 3 new people that are't aware of buddi bench™ & ask them to do the same & so-on, this will help exponentially

support us today so we can put a buddi bench™ in your local park tomorrow

buddi bench™ | creative responses to human distress - chat | connect | care

the full archive of every WWOW! (Weekly Words Of Wisdom) can be found here:


thanks buddi!