1 min read

let's get freaky?

let's get freaky?
'man meets robot' designed by Seth for buddi bench™ & some very clever AI

So today's WWOW! (Weekly Words Of Wisdom!) is less words & more video that I suspect you will find rather disconcerting.

I may have created a monster?

I feel a strange affinity to Mary Shelley in her superb book 'Frankenstein' as she tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a grotesque creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Filled with ambition and seeking to defy natural boundaries, Victor succeeds in giving life to a being assembled from dead body parts. However, horrified by the monster's appearance, he abandons it. The creature, longing for companionship and unaccepted by society, turns vengeful against its creator after suffering rejection and loneliness. It demands a companion from Victor, leading to tragic consequences for both. The novel explores themes of ambition, responsibility, and the quest for knowledge, ultimately questioning the moral implications of playing God.

Are you brave enough to watch?

Will the real Seth Hunter, please stand up; please stand up. (To be sung!)