1 min read

Seth as a talking photo

Seth as a talking photo
'Wow!' art created by Seth & some very clever AI for buddi bench™

Hi again there buddies!

If you click the link below you will see a photo of me taken at the launch of buddy bench in Tunbridge Wells, Sunday 15th May 2022.

I thought it would be fun to use some AI to make my photo speak to you.

To remind you to give Virtually Seth a try.

It's not very convincing & clearly a synthetic version of moi (& a little unsettling) but please indulge me while I learn more about how best to harness AI as a form of creative responses to human distress.


Virtually Seth is the go-too app to answer nearly any possible question about mental health or addiction issues.

It's free & confidential.

You can access it in seconds from your phone, tablet or computer

No fuss, no catch.

Just another creative responses to human distress brought to you by Seth for buddi bench™

sign-up in seconds via our website
