1 min read


win your bespoke buddi bench™ (b b) Chilly's water bottle designed exclusively by Seth worth £45


'Benchy McBenchface' -  can you top this!?

Choose your favourite name for the 1st ever original buddi bench™.

This bench lives in Calverley Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, UK.

With your support we'd love to put a buddi bench™ in every park in the UK that wants one.

Once we've achieved this, next stop, the rest of the world!

Respond to this survey & have the chance to win a free bespoke buddi bench™ (b b) Chilly's water bottle designed exclusively by Seth - pictured above - retails at £45.

'McBoatfacing' is when we make the critical mistake of letting the internet decide things!

In honour of this brilliant concept Seth is giving you the chance to name the 1st ever original buddi bench™. To see if you can come up with anything better than Benchy McBenchface.

Please avoid profanities & be inspired by the buddi bench™ core offering:

creative responses to human distress - chat | connect | care

Full details about buddi bench™ here:


Full details of McBoatfacing here:

Boaty McBoatface explained - wiki page

We hope you will have as much fun thinking of names as we'll have receiving them!

Suggest a name for the 1st ever original buddi bench™ by emailing:


Please forward this email to as many of your contacts as you can - help Seth to multiply the best of humanity exponentially.
