2 min read

Seth wins another award this time for virtually seth ai ™ - another buddi bench™ initiative

Seth wins another award this time for virtually seth ai ™ - another buddi bench™ initiative
Who's more handsome, the man on the left or the right!? hee hee!
Logo 1
Logo 2
Logo 3

At the risk of sounding like I think I'm great, which of sort of do if I'm honest ('Do you not know who I think I am!?'), I'm really pleased to announce that I've just won the Coachvox AI award for 'Top Creator' for my work on virtually seth ai ™.

virtually seth ai ™ is the latest project developed by me for buddi bench ™ with the aim of being THE 24/7 free & confidential go-to-app for any mental health or addiction issue.

It's proving very popular & only takes seconds to sign-up so do have a play with it via our website:


Coachvox AI provide the tech platform on which I've trained my AI & they are a wonderful team of talented people to work with. If ever you'd like to become an online AI presence, they are the people to support you.

In other news...

I've been working very hard with a super-talented designer to develop a logo for virtuallyseth ai ™.

I'm super-fussy & I'm very grateful that my designer remained patient & enthusiastic at all times as I asked for the umpteenth time for yet more revisions to the designs.

Umpteenth - what a wonderful word?

Anyhow, I think we've created something beautiful, don't you?

I'd be very keen to know which of these 3 finalists is your favourite logo.

Logo 1, 2 or 3?

To vote simply ping me an email with the subject heading giving your vote as:

Logo 1

Logo 2

Logo 3

Send your vote direct to me: seth@buddibench.org

Once all the votes are in. Anyone choosing the most popular logo will receive a little gift from me.

Interestingly, according to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online (REP Online) the noun logos derives from the Greek verb legein, meaning ‘to say’ something significant. Logos developed a wide variety of senses, including ‘description’, ‘theory’ (sometimes as opposed to ‘fact’), ‘explanation’, ‘reason’, ‘reasoning power’, ‘principle’, ‘ratio’, ‘prose’.

So, is it possible that I'm saying something significant now & with both buddi bench ™ & virtually seth ai ™?

I do hope so.

Until next time...

Seth x