2 min read

free 24/7 access to Virtual Seth! (VS)

free 24/7 access to Virtual Seth! (VS)
Virtual Seth! (VS)

So this is exciting - are you ready!?

I've just finished creating a Virtual Seth (VS)!

It's been a LOT of hard work but I hope you agree it has been worth it.

I've collaborated with a firm providing cutting-edge AI technology to help me create a bespoke Virtual Seth (VS) that I've 'trained' to respond to you in a way that reflects my knowledge, expertise & even tone-of-voice.

I've condensed 20+ years of my expertise in the fields of addiction and mental health & uploaded hundreds of my articles & presentation notes to this AI model. I've also included sources to my favourite professionals in the field so you can save time & money with this model directing you to my preferred experts.

This tech uses models like ChatGPT but takes it to the next level.

Now you can pick-my-brains as much as you want without me having to even be awake!

I will be continually working on this Virtual Seth & with every week that passes it will get smarter & more helpful to you.

Topics you might like to explore:

mental health

- anxiety - anger - bipolar

- depression - sleep - schizophrenia

- trauma - OCD - & lots more

addiction issues - ANY substance or behaviour including:

- alchohol - food - sex

- narcotics - internet - gaming

- relationships - smoking

So virtual Seth gives you:

- free 24/7 (365) access to Virtual Seth's brain

- the benefits of working with a buddi/coach/mentor sharing information & tips, on your terms

- no judgment

- no cost

- no catch


You can also access Virtual Seth via our website: buddibench.org

I happily provide this service to you absolutely free.

The best way you can repay me is to spread the word on social media about Virtual Seth (VS) & buddi bench™.

The more you interact with Virtual Seth & me (real Seth!) - the better this provision will become.

ALL feedback, the good, the bad, the ugly is much appreciated.


Virtual Seth (VS) is an artificially intelligent model ('trained' on Seth's knowledge & experience) and not a real person. We cannot be held responsible for any advice given. As a rough guide, treat this service as if you were having a chat & a coffee with Seth in a cafe. Insightful yet informal. Seth suggests you ALWAYS consult several professionals before taking any significant actions that might effect either your physical or mental health. This service is meant to be used in addition to other professional services, not instead of expert advise. Please exercise due caution. 😊