4 min read


game over - buddi bench™ - Seth Hunter


Q: my life is too busy already - the last thing I need is more information being sent my way. Why should I subscribe to these blog posts?

A: buddi bench™ recognises that we live in a time where many of us are bombarded with unwanted and/or unhelpful communications. At times we here at buddi bench™ feel overwhelmed too. The majority of readily consumed material often leaves us feeling despondent & impotent. Media moguls know that 'nothing sells like bad news’ & ‘if it bleeds, it leads’. Often the goal of the information we receive is to help the sender of the material to achieve their agenda, not to help the person receiving the information. We hope to reverse this dynamic.

Lack of information is no longer an issue for most of us. But access to & consumption of high-quality information, that has our best interests at heart, is a rare & valuable commodity. buddi bench™ filters & distills information & ideas & serves it to you in a variety of pithy, playful and easy-to-digest formats. We aim to save you time so you can consume less but learn more. Our content is akin to drinking a cool glass of lemonade on a hot summers day.

Please be assured that we will only email you once a week, never any more than this. We aim to post sometime before 9am every Monday, so you can start the week with some inspirational ideas. Our hope is to inspire not annoy. To engage not to enrage.

Q: your suggested monthly membership donations seem a bit pricey

A: We recognise that more than ever, money is tight. We understand that in the age of an abundance of free information on the internet being asked to pay a little for any type of content or provision can seem an ask too far.

If you can’t spare any money, not a problem. We hope you will enjoy all our content & use buddi benches™ absolutely free of charge. It may be free but the content & provision is priceless.

Your support enables us to provide lots of other things too, mainly free-at-the-point-of-consumption including: podcasts, blogs, vlogs, art, YouTube videos, online & offline events & a boutique gathering.

Your support enables Seth & buddi bench™ to concentrate 100% on producing top-quality material for you & ensure benches come to a park near you soon. Seth is unpaid & volunteers his time for & efforts for free because he’s passionate about the potential of buddi bench™. Your support means we can remain totally independent & offer unbiased content uninfluenced by sponsors or the whims of funders.

By relying on your generosity you effectively become our bosses that we have to please & impress on a weekly basis. To genuinely provide content you want & value. You get to vote in a powerful way with your money, ensuring we are very willing to listen. Power to the people. No support, no buddi bench™!

Q: why are you the right person Seth to be the head honcho of buddi bench™?

A: Seth has 20+ years experience in helping those in emotional distress. Extensive professional experience is complimented by rigorous training. Seth is also an expert-by-experience. Diagnosed with bipolar & with pernicious addiction issues. Seth has benefited personally from lots of different modalities of professional & lay-help. So Seth knows a thing or too about recovering from life’s challenges.

Seth helped establish & went on to run, for 6+ years, the award-winning charity the Dragon Cafe: dragoncafe.co.uk . Just like buddi bench™, the focus of this charity is to use creativity to ease emotional distress.

Seth has done lots of other interesting stuff, which is too plentiful to summarise here. Seth will share more as this project progresses. So Seth is well placed to share a few ideas that have, over the years, proved beneficial to others.

Q: why did I receive this email?

A: Seth is the driving force behind buddi bench™. Consequently Seth knows you personally - as a friend, as a family member, as a colleague or as someone that knows you & thinks highly of you. We don’t like spam either - Seth has thought carefully before emailing you & thinks buddi bench™ might appeal to you and/or certainly some people you know.

Q: thanks but no thanks. Please stop contacting me

A: Your wish is our action. Simply click on the unsubscribe button & be assured that our emails will cease to pop into your inbox. It was fun while it lasted but clearly we need some space & we both need to move on.

Just before we part, we would make a small request: even though the buddi bench™ concept doesn’t appeal to you, it is likely that someone you know might benefit from our creative offerings or making use of a buddi bench™. So please do spread the word, online & offline, before you say goodbye to us for good. If you ever change your mind, do know we are always happy to call ourselves your buddi.

Q: I still have questions for you

A: Great! We celebrate curious minds. Drop us an email & we’ll do our best to respond quickly & thoughtfully: buddibench@gmail.com

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buddi bench™ looks forward to becoming buddies with you.