1 min read

Can you spare 1 minute now to help Seth respond creatively to human distress?

Can you spare 1 minute now to help Seth respond creatively to human distress?
Art created by Seth Hunter with some very clever AI - Copyright buddi bench™ & virtuallyseth.ai™ - July 2024

Congratulations on being selected to receive the premiere show-casing of Seth's brand new animated explainer created with some very talented animators! Seth's hope is that in less than 1 minute we’ve managed to convey the core offerings of virtuallyseth.ai. It has been a labour of love & we hope you agree it is pretty good. This is the first version & inevitably some tweaks will be necessary. If you have any thoughts at all as to how we could improve this animation before the final edit please ping me now if at all possible. It shouldn't take more than a few moments of your time which will be invaluable to the success of this endeavour.

You helping Seth now helps Seth to help others tomorrow.

Merci Beaucoup! 🤗


creative responses to human distress

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For now virtuallyseth.ai lives on our main website: buddibench.org but in the near future it will have it's very own sister website here: virtuallyseth.ai

Oh & if you haven't already do give virtually seth .ai a try now.